Annual Report 2021

#OrangeGoesGreen priorities

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Our negative impact on the environment is primarily through greenhouse gas emissions – in particular from the energy we use. Achieving net zero carbon by 2040 is our overarching climate and environmental goal.

In the first period, by 2025, we will focus on reducing our own CO₂ emissions (Scopes 1 and 2 – direct and indirect own emissions). Our objective is to lower them by at least 65% compared to 2015.

This goal will be achieved with the following actions:

  • Increasing the share of renewable energy in our energy mix to at least 60% by 2025, based on long-term procurement agreements directly with renewable energy producers (PPAs).
  • Further improvement of the energy efficiency of our networks.
  • Deployment of new, more energy-efficient technologies such as fibre and 5G.
  • Continued optimisation of our real estate portfolio (including consolidating our staff in modern, more comfortable and more efficient office locations), and improving the energy and resource efficiency of the buildings we use.
  • Further optimisation and electrification of our vehicle fleet.

Our entire value chain emissions are covered by our goal of net zero goal by 2040, i.e. it includes emissions generated by suppliers, customers or employees in relation with Orange Polska’s activities (which fall under Scope 3). We are finalising work to calculate and announce Scope 3 emissions, and set a 2025 target in line with the science-based Orange Group goal of at least a 14% reduction by 2025 in comparison to 2018. Accelerating actions on circular economy and eco-design, as well as ever-stronger co-operation with our suppliers and education of our customers, will be important elements of our work.

While secondary to our key goal of achieving net zero emissions, optimising other resources consumed by Orange Polska (e.g. paper, plastic) is included in this priority and reflected in a variety of actions. These include simplification and digitisation of processes or revision and improvement of customer service practices (e.g. invoicing, delivery) combined with promoting options that are better for the environment and climate.

The digital sector can and should be a part of solving the climate emergency. This does not exonerate us from our responsibility to reduce our emissions across the entire value chain (covered by priority #1 above), but should constitute an important part of our strategy. This is why we are undertaking the following actions:

  • Developing and selling commercial services supporting our B2C and B2B customers’ green challenges (and in particular solutions allowing them to reduce emissions or resource consumption).
  • Dedicated green offers and communication to customers regarding the climate footprint of services and the possibility of reducing or neutralising that footprint.
  • Introducing and reinforcing end-to-end management of green concerns in the experience of Orange Polska customers.
  • Actions on circular economy (additionally supporting our ambition on Scope 3 emissions, as discussed in priority #1 above):
    • Extending the life cycle of mobile phones, in particular through repair, collection (through buy-back or recycling), and having refurbished devices on offer;
    • Refurbishing CPEs (customer premises equipment: modems, TV set-top boxes, etc.);
    • Using refurbished equipment on Orange Polska’s network.

As a large, responsible and reputable company on the Polish market, with millions of customers and thousands of employees and partners, we want to be an active part of the necessary transformation of the Polish economy, leveraging a variety of internal and external actions:

  • Internal communication and education to inform and engage our employees.
  • Communication, co-operation, education and engagement of our external stakeholders, and in particular customers and suppliers.
  • Building Orange Polska’s position as one of Poland’s ‘green leaders’.
  • Market and regulatory relations supporting positive change for climate and environment.
  • Comprehensive, reliable and consistent financial and nonfinancial reporting reflecting the best market practices.
  • Consistently including climate and environmental angles in our decision-making and governance.

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