Remuneration Committee at a glance
The Remuneration Committee should meet at least four times
a year. The task of the Committee is to advise the Supervisory
Board and Management Board on the general remuneration
policy of Orange Polska Group and to make recommendations
on appointments to the Management Board.
The Committee’s detailed tasks include:
- determining the conditions of employment and remuneration
of the Members of Management Board
- considering proposals made by the President or the Supervisory Board concerning new appointments to the Management Board; taking part in the final stage of the interviewing
process and making appropriate recommendations to the
Supervisory Board about candidates
- considering proposals made by the President or the Supervisory Board regarding dismissal or reports regarding resignations of any members of the Management Board and making
if necessary a relevant recommendation to the Supervisory
- giving recommendations to the Supervisory Board regarding
the amounts of bonuses for the members of the Management Board
- providing an opinion on remuneration policy for most senior
executives, and on the general policy for the wider Orange
Polska Capital Group: in both cases having regard to the
relative positioning on the market of Orange Polska Group’s
terms of engagement and remuneration levels