Financial review in 2018
Financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
We use the following financial and operational KPIs to track Orange Polska’s performance
2018 Outlook and guidance |
Performance |
2019 Outlook and guidance |
Supported by national
roaming contract with Play
Further focus on
convergence strategy
Legacy revenue (PSTN,
wholesale) in continued
structural decline
Growth vs 2018
Further focus on convergence
and value strategy
Legacy revenue (PSTN,
wholesale) in continued
structural decline but
at a diminishing pace |
Around PLN 3.0 billion
stable vs 2017
(under IAS18 accounting
standard and around PLN
2.75 billion under IFRS 15
accounting standard)
EBITDAaL* growth versus
2018 (2018 comparable base:
PLN 2,811mn`)
Around PLN 2.0-2.2 billion,
including around 0.7-0.8
billion on fibre rollout
(c.1m new households
connectable in fibre)
Around PLN 2.0-2.1bn, including
0.7-0.8 bn on fibre rollout
(0.8-0.9m new households
connectable in fibre)
Flow (OCF)

Net debt/
Not higher than 2.6x
including potential EC
fine payment (Under IAS18
accounting standard
and not higher than 2.8x
under IFRS15 accounting

Net debt /EBITDAaL*
Decreasing on comparable
basis (2.4x in 2018)
Having decided
to prioritise investments
in long-term value creation
and also taking into
account potential payment
of EC fine, Orange
Polska management will
recommend not paying
any dividend in 2018
(in line with statements
during September 2017
strategy presentation)
As we prioritise investments
in long-term value creation
and also taking into account
uncertain outlook regarding
5G spectrum allocation,
the management will not
recommend paying any
dividend in 2019 (in line with
what was stated during strategy
presentation in September
*EBITDAaL - EBITDA after leases, an alternative performance measure to report operating profitability under IFRS16.
Revenue evolution improves driven by convergence
In 2018, we changed the layout of our revenue reporting. The
new layout better reflects our commercial strategy, which is focused on convergent offer sales. Consequently, we now report
convergent revenues separately from revenues from mobile-only
and fixed-only services (i.e. sales to non-convergent customers).
Revenues (under IAS18 accounting) totalled PLN 11,296 million
in 2018, down PLN 85 million or 0.7% year-on-year.
The rate of decline was much lower than in 2017 (when revenues
fell 1.4%). The trend improvement may be attributed mainly to the
following factors:
- strong growth of convergence revenues, driven by customer
base expansion and ARPU stabilisation;
- a lower decline in fixed-only services, mainly as a result of
stabilisation of revenues from network solutions for business
- an almost 8% increase in wholesale revenues, benefitting
mainly from a national roaming contract with Play and growth
in international interconnect.
Convergence drives revenue trend improvement. In 2018, convergent revenues increased 30% year-on-year, which was a similar
rate of growth to 2017. This was accompanied by a decrease in
mobile-only and fixed broadband-only revenues (down 13.4%
year-on-year) as a result of migration to convergent offers, service
pricing that reflected our value focus, and market competition.
However, it is important to underline that the improving growth
rate of convergent service revenues increasingly offsets the
decline of mobile-only and fixed broadband-only revenues.
Combined revenues from these categories were down 4.1% yearon-year in 2018, as compared to 6.5% year-on-year decline in 2017.
In 2018 average revenue per convergent offer declined by approximately 4% year-on-year. This decline was much lower than
in 2017, when it fell by 12%. The improvement in the trend is
attributable to successful upsell of additional services and proper
value management in pricing our Orange Love offer.
Blended ARPO from mobile-only services amounted to PLN 21.6
in 2018 and was down 6% (year-on-year). The decrease resulted
from a combination of an improvement in pre-paid ARPO and an
approximately 10% decline in post-paid ARPO.
The post-paid ARPO decline was lower than in 2017, when it
amounted to 13%. The decline can be attributed to the following
- growing take-up of SIM-only offers;
- popularity of family offers, in which customers get several SIM
cards and which involve price discounts;
- substantial decrease in mobile broadband ARPO, resulting
from much lower take-up of this service;
- price competition.
Revenues from IT and integration services maintained a high
growth rate (19% year-on-year). This is consistent with our strategy, which sees strong growth potential in this area. The key
growth engines are projects involving provision of professional
services to the largest companies sector and an increase in public procurement.
On the other hand, there was a major slowdown in growth of
mobile equipment sales. In 2018, this category increased 3.6%
as compared to a 27% growth rate in 2017. The earlier growth
was driven by popularity of instalment schemes for handsets.
Currently, the mobile customer base is saturated with instalment
offers. Furthermore, the trend was negatively affected by our implementation of a value-driven strategy, involving a radical reduction in handset subsidies, which resulted in a considerable rise in
unit sales prices accompanied by a decline in sales volume. This
strategy led to an improvement in EBITDA, but had a negative
impact on mobile equipment sales. However, the growth rate in
this revenue line improved in the second half, mainly as a result
of introducing an option of instalment sales at any point during
the lifetime of the service contract.
Adjusted revenue evolution (y-o-y change, in PLN millions)
2018 adjusted EBITDA (under IAS18 accounting) grows for
the first time in 12 years and proves our strategy is being
executed well in a challenging environment
Total operating costs (defined as adjusted EBITDA less revenues)
fell by 2.1% year-on-year. As the decrease exceeded revenue
erosion, adjusted EBITDA increased by 3.1%. It should be emphasised that this is the first time in twelve years that Orange
Polska has reported adjusted EBITDA growth. The adjusted
EBITDA margin stood at 27.5% and was up 1.0pp year-on-year.
The margin improved despite continued structural pressure on
high-margin traditional fixed line services (mainly fixed line voice
services), as any decrease in these services is almost entirely
reflected in profit erosion. The margin improvement was a result
of the convergence strategy implementation, monetisation of
fibre investments, focus on value creation, considerable optimisation of operating costs and higher gains on disposal of assets.
Cost evolution can be attributed mainly to the following factors:
- a decrease of 6.3% in commercial expenses, resulting mainly
from the lower volume of customer acquisition and retention
transactions bundled with handsets, as well as optimisation of
the distribution channel mix and significant savings in advertising and promotion costs;
- a decrease of 7% in labour costs, mainly owing to workforce
optimisation related to the implementation of the new Social
- a decrease of approximately 7% in network and IT expenses,
resulting from savings in energy consumption, network maintenance and installation costs;
- an increase of 8% in other external purchases, driven by purchase costs of energy for further resale (related to higher revenues in this segment) and content costs (resulting from TV
customer base expansion). The increase in these cost items
exceeded savings generated mainly in real estate maintenance
and general administration costs.
Adjusted EBITDA evolution (y-o-y change, in PLN millions)
Bottom line evolution reflects much higher
reported EBITDA
Net income for 2018 stood at PLN 190 million (under IAS18
accounting) versus a net loss of PLN 60 million in 2017. Significant improvement is mainly a consequence of much higher
reported EBITDA which in 2017 was affected by provisions related to Social Agreement PLN 204 million). Net financial expense
was at a similar level to 2017. Higher income tax is a consequence
of higher pre-tax profit and also higher non tax-deductible costs.
2018 capex at its peak and consistent with strategy
In 2018, Group’s adjusted capital expenditure amounted to PLN
2,250 million and was higher by PLN 317 million year-on-year. The
majority of the growth was related to connectivity investments
that are essential to the success of our strategy.
The Group invested mainly in the following areas:
- rollout of the fibre access network as part of the planned
investment programme, which covered 0.9 million households
in 2018 (including the lines developed in 2014 to 2017, there are
now almost 3.4 million households connectable within the fibre
network, available in a total of 117 cities compared to 75 cities
at the end of 2017);
- investments to enhance the range of LTE services and the
quality of the mobile network, expand the capacity and range
of GSM/UMTS services, and adapt the mobile access network
to the 4G technology requirements, particularly in areas not
covered by the mobile access network consolidation project
(i.e. strategic or underinvested regions);
- expansion of the mobile transport and core network in order
to handle the growing volume of data transmission and ensure
the service quality expected by customers;
- implementation of IT transformation programmes, including
a common system for handling fixed-line and mobile service
sales to B2C and SOHO customers;
- investment projects related to portfolio development and sales
and customer service processes as well as the modernisation
and enhancement of the IT technical infrastructure.
Split of adjusted CAPEX (In PLN millions)
Mobile Network
FTTH program (incl. CPE)
Other network (optical, convergent, core)
Customer Premise Eqipment (CPE: excl. FTTH)
IT Systems and Infrastructure and others
Adjusted Organic Cash Flow improves thanks to better
working capital and higher EBITDA
Adjusted organic cash flow for 2018 came in at PLN 453 million
and increased significantly versus PLN 111 million in 2017. The
most significant factor behind this improvement was the receipt
of PLN 275 million from T-Mobile related to the wholesale agreement signed in July. Organic cash flow was also supported by
better operating cash flow (resulting from higher EBITDA and
lower working capital requirement) and proceeds from disposal
of assets (up by PLN 43 million year-on-year). Capital expenditure
cash outflows were PLN 2,161 million in 2018, up PLN 95 million
year-on-year, as a result of higher capex.
Leverage ratio at 2.2x
Our net debt in 2018 increased by around PLN 0.35 billion to
PLN 6.85 billion, mainly due to the payment of a European Commission fine. Despite higher debt, the leverage ratio remained
unchanged at 2.2x at the end of 2018, as higher debt was offset
by growth of EBITDA. Our debt was fully hedged against currency movements and we increased the share of debt based on
a fixed interest rate, to 93% from 78% at the end of 2017, as we
anticipate higher interest rates in the future.
Net debt evolution (in PLN millions)
Management proposes no dividend payout in 2019
In line with our statements during the strategy presentation in September 2017, the management will once again
recommend not paying a dividend in 2019. On the one hand, we
will continue to invest in our fibre network rollout at full speed. On
the other hand, we still await clarity regarding the outlook for 5G
spectrum allocation.
Application of IFRS16 in Orange Polska
From 2019, Orange Polska will report its financial results under
the new accounting standard IFRS16. The key objective of the
new standard is to provide a single accounting method for all
lease contracts. All contracts currently defined as finance leases
or operating leases will be accounted for in the same way as
finance leases are today. In the P&L, expenses related to operating
leases - currently booked as operating costs - will be booked
below EBITDA under IFRS16 (as amortisation of the right of use
and lease interest expense). The implementation of IFRS16 does
not change the business fundamentals and sources of our value
generation. In our view, expenses related to leasing contracts are
part of operating activity and operating profitability. Therefore we
decided to create an alternative performance measure to report
operating profitability under IFRS16. It is called EBITDAaL, which
stands for EBITDA after leases. EBITDAaL will add back in the
right-of-use amortisation and lease interest expense related to
both finance and operating leases. In our view, EBITDAaL will
more accurately reflect the way the Company is managed internally, compared to EBITDA derived directly from the IFRS16
income statement.
EBITDAaL under IFRS16 is quite similar to EBITDA under IFRS15.
The differences relate to: (1) impact of contracts previously
accounted for as finance leases and (2) IFRS16 impact of discounting effect on contracts previously accounted for as operating leases.
The EBITDAaL approach has a minor impact on other alternative
performance measures: capex, net debt and organic cash flow.
Including finance leases in EBITDAaL as operating costs requires
that finance leases are no longer part of capex and net debt. On
the other hand our organic cash flow definition will now include
payments of finance lease liabilities. These were previously
included in repayments of financial debt.
In the table below we provide our estimate for EBITDAaL for 2018
in order to provide a comparable base for performance in 2019.
(in PLN millions)