Effortless and friendly customer experience
Optimal sales channel mix
Our commitment
To make it easy for our all customers to access our
products and services through different channels of
Performance |
Number of POS |
Number of
POSs adjusted
to customers
with disabilities
| |
of Smart
| |
Delivering on our commitments in 2018
Optimisation and increasing the effectiveness of our sales
Our key objectives include further development of our online
sales channel as well as the optimisation and modernisation of
our sales outlets to align with market and consumer demands,
as this is directly reflected in customer satisfaction and further
efficiency gains.
The rapid development of online sales, combined with omnipresent digitalisation, influences the expectations and purchase
preferences of our customers. As a result, sales outlets are losing
their dominance as the main contact channel through which most
customers new to Orange make their purchase decisions. On the
other hand, most existing customers who want to buy additional
services still choose retail outlets. That means we need to invest
in the development of our point-of-sale network. In the Best Retail
Network project, within three years we will modernise the entire
network of our sales outlets, refreshing their appearance and implementing modern solutions. The new-look stores will enable
customers to experience Orange products and services more
interactively, which we expect to drive purchases.
We are implementing a customer-centred philosophy, and removing barriers between customers and products. In our outlets,
we want customers to feel as comfortable as at home, ensuring
the most positive brand experience and providing for clear segmentation of products, including accessories. Notably, our Best
Retail Network project involves changes not only in the POS appearance, but also in the consultants’ attitude towards customers. This is effected through a new training programme and IT
tools, particularly laptops to increase mobility and a new queue
management system.
We had a chain of 731 points of sale, including 23 Smart Stores,
at the end of 2018. A total of 146 Orange outlets are fully accessible to the disabled.
Our own retail outlets are complemented by chains of independent distributors, such as Media Markt or Media Expert. In 2018,
cooperating with them gave the Orange brand a presence in 509
additional points of sale, offering a complementary service to consumers interested in buying a device. The only difference is that
when selling mobile services, we offer vouchers for purchasing
devices from our partner’s range, instead of handsets on instalment schemes.
Our sales strategy is driven mainly by our customers’ evolving
purchasing preferences and the shift to digital channels. In order
to address this trend, we focused on improving the online customer experience, upgrading the Orange portal and the My
Orange mobile application. Our strategic ambition is to make
online the first-choice contact channel for customers to search
and buy Orange services. That is why we introduced new sales
tools on our website, as well as a more responsive design. We
also implemented the new version 4.0 of our mobile application,
providing users with an editable dashboard, a new offers section,
dynamic banners with personalised offers as well as additional
functionalities (e.g. booking an appointment at an Orange POS).
We also continued to work on other digital innovations to support
our sales strategy. In 2018, we optimised sales processes at our
orange.pl website, adopting agile project management methodologies (Scrum) and further developing unassisted sales based
on personalisation tools. This resulted in a significant increase
in sales through this channel. The effects of these changes can
be already seen. The sales to mobile and fibre customers via our
orange.pl website jumped by 63% and 91% respectively (from
January 2018 to January 2019).
The telesales channel is used to contact customers mainly for
retention and cross-selling. In 2019, we will implement e-agreements in our remote channels, which will considerably accelerate
Orange service activation. Customers who order handsets or other devices through this channel can request a home delivery or
pick them up in one of our stores.
Following our massive investments in the FTTH network, we have
continued to develop our door-to-door sales channel, which enables us to effectively reach non-Orange customers and quickly
saturate an area with our fibre services.
Cooperation between all our contact channels has allowed
us to gradually implement cross-channel solutions, helping
to ensure a uniform, seamless customer experience regardless
of the channel.
Our commitment
To improve the customer experience by
offering attractive products and services,
accompanied by improvements in customer service and sales channels, both
traditional and online.
To be innovative and flexible in
responding to our competitors’ moves.
Making the customer journey easy and friendly
Performance |
NPS position
* In 2018 the Net Promoter Score (NPS) increased and the gap to the market leader was the smallest ever.
We achieved second score on the market, but we took third position as the first place was taken by two companies.
Orange NPS
| |
To provide security for Internet users
at Orange Polska network |
Numbers of
activations of our
safety solutions
Delivering on our commitments in 2018
Focus on continuous improvement in customer experience
In 2018 we achieved our NPS (Net Promoter Score) objective
and our gap to market leader was the smallest ever. We had the
second overall score in the market, but we took third position as
there were two operators ranked first at the end of 2018. Customers have growing confidence in us, which produces tangible
benefits for the Company. It is important to note that our score
has been steadily growing year-on-year. The increase in our NPS
has been driven by growing sales of our fibre services and Orange Love bundle, as well as specific improvements in customer
experience, including: the simplification of both mobile and fixed
line offers; automation and robotisation of selected processes;
increased capacity of our LTE network in 12 big cities; implementation of the Smart WiFi solution; and increased coverage of our
mobile and fixed line networks (almost 11,000 LTE base stations
and approx. 3.4 million households and businesses, including
almost 1,500 schools, connectable with Orange fibre). We continued the high standards of customer care. In 2017 this was reflected in the Top Quality Customer Care in Remote Channels Award,
which we won for our customer service through a call centre,
chat, ‘Our Orange’ community and the ‘My Orange’ mobile app.
Furthermore, we received the Customer Service Quality Star
for our nju offer infoline support for three years in a row. These
awards vindicate the process of our transformation and our daily
commitment to building customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Top standards in customer relationship management
Since 2014, we have maintained the international COPC (Customer Operations Performance Center) certificate, which through
annual audits confirms our high efficiency and top standards in
customer care management.
The primary purpose of the COPC standard is to improve customer experience by ensuring consistency in all customer journeys and across all communication channels – both assisted (call
centre, chat) and unassisted, where we offer AI-based solutions
(voicebot Max instead of IVR) or self-service (‘My Orange’ app,
Compliance with the COPC guidelines and benchmarks results
in direct benefits experienced by both customers (quality
improvements and related customer satisfaction growth) and the
organisation itself (cost optimisation, increased sales).
Orange Polska leads the way in implementing the COPC standard within the Orange Group, and according to auditors,
“compliance with standards is part of Orange Polska’s corporate DNA.” In the auditors’ opinion, we have very effective
methods for identifying, reviewing and implementing improvements in all customer service channels.
In 2019, we intend once again to revise our procedures based on
the COPC standard, in order to ensure even higher operational
efficiency and to flexibly adapt to both internal and external
User-friendly contact channels
We offer a wide selection of contact channels, which we constantly improve to best meet the expectations of our customers.
In 2018, we introduced further improvements:
- We became the first telecom operator in Poland to implement a smart voice assistant in our call centre. It replaced
a traditional IVR system (tone selection of menu options with
the phone keypad). The assistant, which introduces itself as
Max – the AI voice of Orange – talks to customers in natural language. If it cannot help the customer on its own, Max
requests a call to a consultant, choosing one competent
in the matter raised by the caller. The Max software engine
is based on machine learning (ML) and natural language
processing (NPL) algorithms.
- We consistently implemented our strategic aim to replace
human-assisted contact channels with digital ones. Consequently, 60% of all customer interactions took place via fully
digital communication channels.
- We expanded the ‘Our Orange’ community, which doubled
in 2018.
- The effectiveness of our customer care improved. For example,
in the business segment, the first contact resolution (FCS)
was up 5% and the number of transfers (internally forwarded
calls) decreased by 30%.
- We expanded our provision of 24-hour self-service solutions.
In 2018, the volume of issues resolved by our business customers
on their own, using the app, jumped 62% year-on-year.
Modern CRM systems
In 2018, more and more customers and consultants used our
new sales and customer service platform OMNI, which offers
convenient and effective customer care with respect to all our
products, especially our flagship offer Orange Love.
Listening to feedback from our customers and consultants,
we continually enhance the platform by adding new processes
and increasing the ergonomics of solutions we have already
implemented. As a result, the platform acts as an integrated
environment, providing uniform customer experience across
all communication channels (for example, offering the same
automated diagnostic options for sales outlets, call centres and
As planned, we implemented a new knowledge base, which
is available to both employees and customers. By providing
context-based content and articles, it facilitates handling of
contacts and execution of sales and customer care processes. The content is the same for both parties, which significantly
enhances the quality of communication.
Personal data security
We control a vast amount of customer and employee data. Personal data are one of the categories of confidential information
which, together with data protected by the telecommunication
secret and proprietary information, are covered by our Information
Security Management System. This system complies with the
ISO 27001 international standard, for which we hold certification.
At each stage of data collecting and processing, we ensure that
customers are informed about the purpose and scope of data
processing, as well as their right to access and rectify their personal data. No fines were imposed on the Company for breach
of personal data protection regulations in 2018.
Orange Polska’s activities may trigger the loss, disclosure,
unauthorised communication to the general public or third parties or inappropriate modification of the data of its customers.
Such losses could arise from (i) malicious acts (including cyber
attacks), particularly aimed at theft of personal data, or (ii) potential negligence within the Group or its external partners.
Recourse to liability proceedings is facilitated by the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which became applicable
on May 25, 2018. For infringement of GDPR protection rules,
administrative fines of up to 4% of the annual global turnover
may be imposed. Such incidents could have a considerable
impact on the Group’s reputation and a heavy impact on its
liability, potentially including criminal liability, and hence have an
adverse impact on Orange Polska’s future financial performance.
In accordance with GDPR, ISO 29134:2017 and the Article 29
Working Party guidelines, we have implemented a process
to identify and prevent violation of rights and liberties of data
subjects. We have also delivered dedicated training for Orange
Polska’s employees and partners.
Data security
Rapid development of new technologies is accompanied by new
forms of crime, a danger which most customers are not capable
of coping with themselves. We try to counteract these threats,
guaranteeing the security of our services to users and offering
them essential knowledge on how to use our services safely. We
carry out educational campaigns regarding the internet, we provide
technological tools to strengthen data and system security and
we monitor threats to internet users, particularly children.
Monitoring online threats is the responsibility of CERT Orange
Polska. This team responds to threats as they show up and supports Internet users. In 2018, the systems monitoring the Orange
Polska network recorded as many as 9 billion incidents monthly,
out of which 1,115 could be considered actual security incidents.
The most frequently analysed incidents were related to “dissemination of offensive or illegal content”, including phishing and
spam. This category accounted for almost half of all incidents.
Another significant group (almost 20%) was DDoS / DoS attacks, which involve flooding the attacked system with massive
amounts of data. CyberShield, a proprietary solution to protect
Orange Polska’s network users, protected close to 2.6 milion
customers from malware in 2018 and the anti-phishing solution
had been triggered 2.3 milion times.