The reconciliation between the income tax expense and the theoretical tax calculated based on the Polish statutory tax rate was as follows: Expenses not deductible for tax purposes consist of cost items, which, under Polish tax law, are specifically determined as non-deductible. Previous topic Next topic
(in PLN millions)
12 months ended
31 December 202012 months ended
31 December 2019
Restated (see Note 2.2)
Current income tax
Deferred tax
Total income tax
(in PLN millions)
12 months ended
31 December 202012 months ended
31 December 2019
Restated (see Note 2.2)
Net income before tax
Statutory tax rate
Theoretical tax
Tax relief on research and development
Unrecognised deferred tax asset on tax capital losses
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes
Total income tax