Orange Polska S.A. (“Orange Polska” or “the Company” or “OPL S.A.”), a joint stock company, was incorporated and commenced its operations on 4 December 1991. The Orange Polska Group (“the Group”) comprises Orange Polska and its subsidiaries. The Group is a part of Orange Group based in France. Orange Polska shares are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The Group is the principal provider of telecommunications services in Poland. The Group provides mobile and fixed telecommunications services, including calls, messaging, content, access to the Internet and TV. In addition, the Group provides IT and integration services, leased lines and other telecommunications value added services, sells telecommunications equipment, provides data transmission, constructs telecommunications infrastructure and sells electrical energy. Orange Polska’s registered office is located in Warsaw, Poland, at 160 Aleje Jerozolimskie St. The Group’s telecommunications operations are subject to the supervision of Office of Electronic Communication (“UKE”). Under the Telecommunication Act, UKE can impose certain obligations on telecommunications companies that have a significant market power on a relevant market. Orange Polska S.A. is deemed to have a significant market power on certain relevant markets. Previous topic Next topic