
Orange Polska

Interactive data

Interactive data

1 active employees are employees whose remuneration for absence (e.g. sick leave) is paid by the employer. The exception are employees on parental leave who are counted as active despite the fact that the benefit is paid by ZUS (The Polish Social Insurance Institution).
2 Only for Orange Polska- applies mainly to the call center for the customer service area telesales and customer market service - operators
3 applies mainly to the call center for the customer service area telesales and customer market service - operators.
4 In order to better account for differences in salaries between men and women we have introduced an additional indicator for individual pay grades. This shows a lower gender pay gap. It means that the differences between men’s and women’s salaries result from a different structure of positions as more women hold low grade positions (call center and points of sales staff) while technical positions (network engineers IT specialists) are held chiefly by men. The presented indicator applies only to specialist positions.
1 data refer to Orange Polska and Integrated Solution TELTECH Orange Szkolenia.Orange Energia Fundacja Orange. Data by the status of the training database - 31.12.2019
1 Rate of turnover excluding voluntary departures (for reasons unrelated to the employee) and departures at the employer's initiative as well as intra-group transfers
1 Only for Orange Polska
2 An event caused by an external cause causing injury or death which occurred in connection with work
3 Number of persons injured in work-related accidents per 1000 employees
4 Number of days off per accident
1 The development and education data for the Orange Polska Group cover the following: Orange Polska S.A. TP Teltech Integrated Solutions and Orange Foundation.
2 The assessment of employees and managers is based on 360 feedback and the related development plans are implemented on a two-year basis. The last feedback process was completed in 2018 and another edition is scheduled for 2020. Only with front-line employees (responsible for customer care) development conversations are carried out annually.
1 The presented environmental indicators are the same for the Group and Orange Polska, as the latter owns the buildings and network infrastructure which constitute the basis for determining energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions generated by business trips (gasoline and diesel combustion) are determined for the Orange Group, whereas other indicators, i.e. EMF emissions and handset recycling/refurbishment, are specific to Orange Polska only.
2 The presented full-year figures consist of actual data for Q1, Q2 and Q3 and estimates for Q4. Environmental data are based on reporting to the Orange Group’s global database INDICIA. Electricity consumption in Orange Polska’s buildings is determined on the basis of records in the electricity database (BEE), which contains readouts of individual electricity meters. GHG emissions are calculated according to the GHG Protocol. For electricity, GHG emissions are calculated using emission factors derived from International Energy Agency (IEA). There are no biogenic GHG emissions in the Company.
3 Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions are defined as emissions from sources (resources, processes) that are owned or controlled by the organisation. Due to global guidelines and adopted objectives, only CO2 emissions are monitored.

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