The Group reports a single operating segment as decisions about resources to be allocated and assessment of performance are made on a consolidated basis. Group performance is currently evaluated by the Management Board based on revenue, EBITDAaL, net income, eCapex (economic capital expenditures), organic cash flows, net financial debt and net financial debt to EBITDAaL ratio based on cumulative EBITDAaL for the last four quarters.
Since the calculation of EBITDAaL, eCapex, organic cash flows, and net financial debt is not defined by IFRS, these performance measures may not be comparable to similar indicators used by other entities. The methodology adopted by the Group is presented below.
Starting from 2021, the Group has a joint venture accounted for using the equity method and definitions of performance measures have been supplemented taking into account the impact of the joint venture on the Group performance: share of profits/losses of joint venture and elimination of margin (unrealised profit) earned on asset related transactions with joint venture are excluded from EBITDAaL calculation.
Additionally, the Group has clarified a treatment of the rights of perpetual usufruct of land in calculation of performance measures. The rights of perpetual usufruct of land which on initial recognition were classified as property, plant and equipment and were subsequently, on adoption of IFRS 16, reclassified to right-of-use assets, are treated similarly to property, plant and equipment in business decisions made by the Management Board. Consequently, impairment and result on disposal of these rights is excluded from EBITDAaL calculation, while proceeds accrued on their disposal offset capital expenditures. The clarifications of definitions described above do not require any restatements in calculation of performance measures for the comparative period.
EBITDAaL is the key measure of operating profitability used by the Management Board and corresponds to operating income before gains on disposal of assets, depreciation, amortisation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, impairment of the rights of perpetual usufruct of land historically recognised as property, plant and equipment and subsequently reclassified to rightof-use assets and share of profits/losses of associates and joint ventures, decreased by interest expense on lease liabilities and adjusted for the impact of deconsolidation of subsidiaries, costs related to acquisition, disposal and integration of businesses, employment termination programs, restructuring costs, elimination of margin earned on asset related transactions with joint ventures and associates accounted for using the equity method, significant claims, litigation and other risks as well as other significant nonrecurring items. eCapex (economic capital expenditures) is the key measure of resources allocation used by the Management Board and represents acquisitions of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets excluding telecommunications licences, decreased by the proceeds accrued on disposal of these assets as well as on disposal of the rights of perpetual usufruct of land historically recognised as property, plant and equipment (‘proceeds accrued on disposal of assets’). eCapex does not include acquisitions of right-of-use assets.
Organic cash flows are the key measure of cash flow generation used by the Management Board and correspond to net cash provided by operating activities decreased by payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and repayment of lease liabilities, increased/decreased by impact of net exchange rate effect received/paid on derivatives economically hedging capital expenditures and lease liabilities and proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and adjusted for the payments for acquisition of telecommunications licences, payments for costs related to acquisition, disposal and integration of businesses not included in purchase price and payments relating to significant claims, litigation and other risks. Cash flows arising from obtaining or losing control of subsidiaries or other businesses, including significant tax cash flows specifically identified with these transactions, are classified as investing activities and by definition are not included in organic cash flows.
Net financial debt and net financial debt to EBITDAaL ratio are the key measures of indebtedness and liquidity used by the Management Board. The calculation of net financial debt is presented in Note 21.