Q: What are the key success factors – and the key challenges – in achieving the .Grow strategy’s digital goals?
Technological changes significantly influence the behaviour of consumers and the importance of the growth of digital channels in practically all industries. Sale of telecommunication services is not an exception but certain specific features particularly impact its dynamics. It appeared that our very ambitious goals regarding growth of digital channels, as set in our previous .One strategy, needed more time and efforts to be reached. Now in the .Grow strategy, digitisation has been given a new dimension both with respect to organisational setup and to the tools that we have.
Q: Let me briefly mention some of the basic but important considerations that need to be taken into account in this process.
Firstly, our post-paid services require signing of the agreement which makes the purchasing process more complex than, for example, buying a piece of apparel or another simple commodity service. Secondly, our services often require decisions on the offer parameters, and sometimes the installation process. In the customer mindset this usually warrants human touch. Customers are used to visiting points of sale or calling telesales. This is obviously changing along with the development of digital tools but according to our observations, despite much higher use of the My Orange application, the volume of interactions with traditional channels is not necessarily falling. Around 50% of customers are using more than one channel in their purchasing process. So, there are strong interactions between traditional and digital channels. In addition, as age is sometimes a barrier for technological skills, we have to take into consideration that our customer base is older than average age of the society.