- Regular meetings and handling matters communicated to the Committee by all available channels;
- Current collaboration with Internal Audit Director and Director in charge of Security and Compliance;
- Meetings with the heads of structures from which notifications have been received in order to better understand the issue and formulate further recommendations.

Ethics and compliance management
Ethics management
Ethics in Orange Polska
Ethics in Orange Polska arise from the necessity to maintain ethical standards in daily business activity. Having proper ethical standards as a core element of our culture underpins Orange Polska’s good relations with our business partners and the market as a whole.
The standards and values implemented within the Company guide our people in their mutual relations, both personal and business, helping them to support the Company’s business objectives and build the best possible relationships with the wider environment in which we operate. Ethical standards have been enshrined in the Orange Polska Code of Ethics, which provides our employees with a roadmap for the ethical behaviour expected by our shareholders, customers and business partners. The Orange Polska Code of Ethics shares the same standards as other companies within the Orange Group. All new joiners have the obligation to get acquainted with the Code of Ethics through a dedicated e-learning course.
Role of the Orange Polska Ethics Committee
The Orange Polska Ethics Committee is an advisory body which acts as the guardian of ethical standards in the Company. It analyses any accusation of non-ethical behaviour that might arise from day to day, and educates employees to strengthen their understanding of ethical principles in the workplace. It also increases employees’ knowledge and awareness of everyday ethical fundamentals via e-training that identifies possible situations employees might encounter, and gives them examples of proper ethical behaviour.
Orange Polska employees can easily contact the Committee if they suspect a breach of ethics, either electronically (using the anonymous contact form on our intranet site) or by mail. It is also possible to send a letter or email directly to the Chairman of the Audit Committee. All inquiries are conducted in a strictly confidential manner.

Activity of the Ethics Committee in 2021
- Defining a new approach of the Ethics Committee to ethics management within Orange Polska;
- Publishing a new, more transparent and user-friendly website of the Ethics Committee;
- Preparing for the implementation of a whistleblowing procedure and an internal procedure for report handling by the Ethics Committee in accordance with the relevant EU Directive and Polish regulations;
- Organising the Day of Ethics and Compliance, which included a webinar for employees, workshop for the Ethics Committee and broad communications about ethics and compliance standards and principles within Orange Polska.
In 2021, the Ethics Committee received 92 reports or questions. The most common matters raised were related to sales and customer relations, HR, and conflict of interest. Most notifications were sent to the Committee’s dedicated email.
Compliance management
Integrity and compliance are Orange’s fundamental values, which have contributed to the Group’s high reputation. The adoption of the Compliance Management Programme by Orange Polska confirms our willingness to operate in compliance with laws, regulations and market practices in an ethical and transparent manner. We follow the highest standards not only with respect to the quality and innovativeness of our services, but also in relations with our business partners and customers and between our employees. We aim to ensure an effective system for non-compliance risk management, threat identification and monitoring, and implementation of corrective actions. We actively prevent corruption and influence peddling, conflict of interest, fraud and any other situations involving our employees or business partners that could have negative consequences for Orange Polska.
One of the key elements of our Compliance Management Programme is the AntiCorruption Policy based on a zero-tolerance approach towards any forms of corruption in all our activities. It determines the rules of conduct and indicates prohibited behaviours which can be considered corruption or influence peddling. All our employees and all business partners of Orange Polska (co-operating companies, vendors, subcontractors, consultants and agents acting on our behalf) need to comply with anti-corruption standards. The correct application of Anti-Corruption Policy is supported by internal regulations. In particular, Anti-Corruption Guidelines of Orange Polska determine the policy concerning gifts and invitations, defining categories of benefits received or offered and a procedure for reporting them. The Compliance function carries out initiatives aimed at building awareness of the applicable rules among employees. By attending training and workshops, our teams can better understand the phenomenon of corruption and respond properly in problematic situations. Orange Polska has been mapping and regularly updating corruption risks.
To prevent potential risks of corruption, non-compliance with economic sanctions, money laundering, terrorism financing and fraud, Orange Polska applies due diligence procedures in relations with its business partners. It enables us to ‘get to know our partners’, control potential risks and make informed decisions prior to establishing business relationship with a prospective partner.
All employees and stakeholders can report their doubts or observed irregularities or violations of applicable laws via dedicated channels provided by Orange Polska, anonymously or openly, without fear of negative consequences. All such notifications are treated confidentially and verified and addressed with due diligence.
Main procedures and policies
- Intragroup Collective Labour Agreement
- Social Agreement
- Staff Regulations
- Remuneration Policy
- Bonus Regulations
- Diversity Management Policy
- Global agreement on workplace gender equality in the Orange Group
- Policy for Investing in Health Quality and Well-being
- Code of Ethics
- Occupational Safety and Health Policy
- Global Orange Group agreement on Global agreement on occupational safety and health in the Orange Group
- Remote Work Regulations
- Recruitment Policy
- Social Responsibility Strategy
- Donation Policy
- Sponsorship Policy
- Statute of the Orange Foundation
- Orange Foundation Grant Policy
- Corporate Volunteering Competition Rules
- Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Climate Policy
- Orange Group’s Statement on modern slavery and forced labour
- Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
- Diversity Management Policy
- Vigilance Plan
- Code of Ethics
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Code of Ethics
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Sales Agents’ Code of Responsibility
- Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
- Compliance Management Programme
- Anti-Corruption Policy
- Anti-Corruption Guidelines
- Policy on Economic Sanctions
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Due Diligence Procedure (iDDFix)
- Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Policy
- Anti-Fraud Policy
- Information Security Policy
- Personal Data Security Policy
- Policy on the provision of authorised non-audit services by the audit firm conducting the audit
- Audit Firm Selection Policy
- Remuneration Policy for Members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board
- Procurement Policy
- Business Continuity and Crisis Management Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Complaint Policy
- EU Roaming Fair Usage Policy
- Credit Verification Policy
- Service standards for elderly customers and customers with disabilities
- Responsible Communication Rules
- Social Responsibility Strategy
- Code of Ethics
See also