Annual Report 2021

Our approach to reporting

Orange Polska is pleased to present its sixth integrated annual report. The report is published every year. The previous integrated report was published in May 2021. We continue our commitment to communicating with our shareholders and other stakeholders in a way that combines the financial and non-financial aspects of our business. It presents our business model, our value creation story, the economic and social context of our operations, how we implement our strategy, how we are governed and how we influence the environment.

In order to provide complete and comprehensible scope of information, we engage our Management and Supervisory Board members into a dialogue during the process of collecting information and drafting the report.

We hope that by reporting in this way we can demonstrate to our investors, as well as, other stakeholders the wider context of our business activities, and explain our responsible approach to doing business. We create value not only in financial terms, but in other forms such as trust, reputation, job satisfaction, customer loyalty and good relations with local communities. We encourage you to read the report and share your opinions by sending us your feedback to

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